Iactura (Vertical Slice)
Team size: 5
Role: Level Designer / Sound Designer / Producer.
Development Cycle: 5 Weeks (Shipped October 2013).
Description: Iactura is a platformer developed to evoke the emotion of 'surreal.'
Core Tasks:
-Level Design.
-Gameplay Design.
-Collecting, recording, editing, and delivering sounds.
-Ensuring asset creation and completion.
What went well:
-Overarching narrative of progressively losing power was communicated very well in a nonverbal method.
-Iactura certainly delivers a surreal experience.
What went wrong:
-Gameplay is very straightforward and doesn't leave a lot of options for the player.
-Transitions between game rooms could have been more interesting and communicated better.
What I learned:
-When delivering an emotional experience, ensure that this emotion doesn't overrule gameplay elements.